This is the fourth volume in Caprice Records innovative recording series Improvisational, a unique series of...
A beautiful concert hall with a big Steinway grand piano, a pianist and a balance engineer/producer, at dead of...
Improvisational – Caprice Records’ innovative recording series of piano improvisations – continues with its...
The second in the Improvisational series is Mats Öberg’s headstrong interpretations of the songs...
Beginning with Jaakko Mäntyjärvi’s magnificent choral work dedicated to the memory of those who lost their...
During his last European tour in October 1973, Duke Ellington gave two special concerts in Malmo, Sweden. Several...
Certain music has an evocative, mood-creating impact on the listener. Tommie Haglund’s compositions have such...
Fredrik Ullén (born 1968) is one of Sweden’s most prominent concert pianists. His performances of both new...
Caprice presents two of Ture Rangström’s orchestral works: Symphony No. 4, Invocatio, and Vauxhall, a...
Johann Sebastian Bach: Goldberg variations BWV 988 for string trio. One night in June 2001 at the Båstad Chamber...
“For unusually solid playing, well thought-out musical interpretation, total technical control and outstanding...
Jazz Furniture was the name of a jazz group that spoke for themselves. They did this by, among other means,...
The fifth volume in the Swedish Jazz History series presents the continuing evolution of the Swedish jazz during...
“For his intense personal expression, brilliant technical mastery and overpowering stage presence”. Thus read...
As a student in Handel’s London in the 1710s, the young Johan Helmich Roman came to be known as”The Swedish...
Caprice Records presents, in collaboration with the Swedish Television, its first DVD: it is the acclaimed...