This opera tells the true story of the relationship between Marie Antoinette, queen of France, and the Swedish...
The 1993 Jazz in Sweden award was given to Max Schultz. According to the jury Max had developed a clever and...
Fabian Kallerdahl is one of the most prominent and proficient musicians of the younger generation, a powerhouse...
After fierce competition in the Berwald Hall, Mikael Holmlund won the Soloist’s Prize for 2002. The prize...
Mikael Wahlin born in 1960 is one of Sweden’s most successful organists. He studied with Hans Fagius and...
In 1986 Monica Borrfors was chosen to do the Jazz in Sweden recording, and with that much acclaimed album she...
In 1987, the Monica Borrfors Quintet was voted the best in Swedish jazz. In addition, it was the first time that...
A little-known recording with Birgit Nilsson! Jan Sparring at the Stockholm Opera! Martti Talvela´s opera debut!...
Since the turn of the last century, the accordion has been one of our most popular instruments, both on dance...
One of the more interesting regions when world music is concerned is Cape Verde. It has a fascinating musical...
Musica de Ecuador is the title of this double CD released by Caprice Records in cooperation with The Swedish...
This recording gives rich samples of the sounds of tradition in urban musical life in Ethiopia.The ancient...
Guatemala today is the home of a large variety of musical forms, each with its own cultural roots. Here are...
The Garifunas live along the eastern coast of Central America. This fantastic music vibrates with old African and...
The music of Honduras is largely unknown outside the area. It has been influenced to a great extent by centuries...
This CD is dedicated to the music of the Garifuna minority living on the coast and the islands of Honduras.Their...