A Swedish St Mark Passion
Fredrik Sixten & Bengt Pohjanen
The composer Fredrik Sixten has, in close cooperation with author Bengt Pohjanen, written a modern composition which is influenced by Swedish folk music and popular chorales. This is the first full scale oratorio to be composed and performed on a regular basis (more than 20 times per year) in Sweden since God in Disguise, composed in 1940.
In the Passion of St Mark we hear, for the first time, a soprano doing the part of the evangelist. This is due to the fact that women often carried the singing tradition in Swedish folk music. The mood in the drama of the passion ideally fits the melancholy of the Swedish folk tradition, and conveys a sense of immediacy to the listener. This is an eagerly anticipated composition in Swedish sacred music.
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Participating musicians and singers are: the Motet Choir of Saint Mary Magdalene , the girls’ choir from the Adolf-Fredrik School of music, Evangelist: Jeanette Köhn, Jesus: Jesper Taube, Peter: Gunnar Andersson, High priest: Balcarras Crafoord, Pilate: Christoffer Holgersson, Servant woman: Mia Lundell and a Chamber ensemble led by Ragnar Bohlin.
Show playlist
En svensk Markuspassion
Music: Fredrik Sixten Text: Bengt Pohjanen, koraltext
1.Inledningskör - Han var föraktad
5.Koral I - Var inte orolig
8.Koral II - Snart doften av brödet
13.Koral III - Kom, Fader, mörkret faller
20.Koral IV - Jesus, världens ljus Music: Fredrik Sixten Text: Bengt Pohjanen
24.Koral V - Du kom, o Jesus
28.Koral VI - Du är Kristus
31.Koral VII - Bekrönt med törnen
35.Koral VIII - Jesus, du som allting vet
38.Koral IX - O himmelske
48.Koral X - Din manetl är oskapat ljus
53.Koral XI - Vi står med din moder
62.Slutkör - Han fick sin grav
En svensk Markuspassion
Music: Fredrik Sixten Text: Bengt Pohjanen, koraltext
- Total playtime 61'51
Compact Disc // CAP 21803 // Classical // Releasedate: 12 March, 2008