Songs of Sailors & Navvies
Various Artists
Their songs were about girls and lively teamwork, but also about insufferable working conditions, accidents, long voyages and homesickness.
Many shanties and navvies’ songs were also used in order to support the rhythm of the working group. Listen to the song about Georg Sailor, who is devoured by his companions, the “Bramråsong”, or “A navvy, a navvy from south of Sweden came”. You will listen to work songs and descriptions of sea voyages and railroad building, songs about love and broken promises.
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Most of the songs were written by the protagonists themselves, and some of them made by others, describing the mythical life of sailors and navvies, in a more or less truthful manner.
The recordings were made in the homes of elderly sailors and navvies and other tradition bearers in the 1960s and 1970s. The texts are included in a booklet.
Show playlist
1.Jag som så mången andra på havet segla må2'25
2.Sex år det har förflutit sen vi skådade vårt land2'50
3.Yankee ship came down the river0'28
4.There was once a shipper2'12
5.Det gingo tre flickor planterande kål3'37
6.Adjö farväl för sista gång1'46
7.Min man han var en sjöman1'37
8.Och Georg Sjöman tar ömt i famnen (Georg Sjöman)2'25
9.Kom gossar ska ni få höra2'38
10.Jag är en skärgårdsflicka2'51
11.Spel upp I musikanter, för sjömansgossar raskt det1'20
12.På sjöstranden där hissades ett ankare4'01
13.En rallare, en rallare från södra Sverige kom2'08
14.Vi reste ifrån Virbo (Ofotenvisan)2'46
15.Uti en mörk och dyster kväll3'56
16.Hå nu klämmer vi å hej (baxarvisa)0'15
17.Hå bax, hej bax (baxarvisa)0'37
18.Här går ettan (pålarvisa)0'30
19.I Gällivara trakter (Gällivaravisan)2'36
20.En visa vill jag sjunga om en olycka svår3'26
21.Kamrater, kom an3'12
22.Jag är födder i en hydda invid Lannevaara fjäll3'30
23.Upp kamrater alla3'26
24.Längs Ångermanälven4'51
- Total playtime 59'22
Compact Disc // CAP 21540 // Musica Sveciae/Folk Music in Sweden // Folk music // Releasedate: 1 January, 1996