In the archive

The library has several hundred archives with unique material after individuals and organisations in the areas of music, theatre and dance.

Unique material

The archives contain material such as manuscripts, letters, diaries, contracts, accounting records, press cuttings, music and photographs. The material is invaluable for researchers, authors, genealogists and even current performers and artists in the areas of music, theatre and dance. You can only borrow material from the archives for studying in the reading room or in the library's premises in Gäddviken, where many of the archives are kept.

Search the archive register

Many archives include an archival inventory which describes its contents. Search the archive register by name of person, institution or association. 
To the archive register


Dokumenterat is the bulletin from the Music and Theatre Library of Sweden. It includes inventories of source material in Swedish archives, libraries and museums, special presentations of individual archives and collections, contributions of a musical-iconographical nature, bibliographies and articles relating to the work at the Archives, rare materials and documentation department. 
Download Dokumenterat

National documentation centre

The Music and Theatre Library of Sweden is the national documentation centre for music, theatre and dance. As a researcher, you can receive assistance to find the source material you are looking for, even if this is kept in other libraries and institutions. The library has compiled a national register with information about archives and collections throughout the country that contain music and theatre material. This register is updated every two years. 
To the national register

Bibliography of Swedish Music Literature

The staff of the library follow the publication of all forms of Swedish music literature and foreign literature about Swedish music. Books and articles in periodicals are catalogued in the national library database Libris, which is searchable on line. Books are added to the database when they are published, articles when the entire annual volume of the periodical has been released.
To Bibliography of Swedish Music Literature